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I feel like I am an upbeat person and I try my best to not ever get down so much that everything looks bleak and horrible.

I have been there and it isn’t much  fun.

It does make me quite down and blue when one of my siblings are down and blue.

I wonder sometimes why I have such great luck in life and they don’t?
I am guessing a lot of it has to do with the man I am married to.

If I didn’t have him chances are I would be struggling with the day-to-day stuff and be down and blue myself.

I hate seeing and hearing my siblings are struggling and unhappy.

yes I pray.
I pray for them every night.

And I believe the good Lord hears my prayers.

Maybe one day they can find the happiness they need to feel like life is a positive thing again.


Posted July 23, 2015 by Marge in family, God, heartfelt, my loves, ramblings

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